Until very recently, I hadn’t even heard about dermablading.
I thought, oh, whatever, surely it’s just another sketchy beauty trend that we’ll forget about soon enough.
But the more I read about dermablading (also called dermaplaning), the more intrigued I became.
Could dermablading be beneficial?
Would I love to have smoother, brighter skin, free from breakouts, hyperpigmentation, or acne scarring?
Why, yes. Yes I would.
So I set out to find more information on dermaplaning and whether it is in fact as amazing as I hope it is!
Watch my dermaplaning review and tutorial below!
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What Is Dermablading?
Dermablading is also called dermaplaning (these terms will be used interchangeably). Dermablading is a procedure that uses an exfoliating blade to remove the top layers of your skin.
I know what you’re thinking… Blade, what?! But hear me out.
Dead skin cells cover the top layers of your skin. These dead skin cells can cause your skin to look dull, clog your pores, and result in breakouts. Who wants that?!
Dermaplaning can stimulate cell turnover and collagen production. It’s been shown to smooth the appearance of fine lines, and improve hyper-pigmentation and texture.
PLUS, this helps to increase hydration AND allow skincare products to penetrate the skin even better.
It also allows makeup to sit better on the skin!
That sounds pretty amazing, right?
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Is Dermaplaning Just Shaving Your Face?
The concept of dermablading is similar to shaving.
When I examined a lot of the supplies used for dermaplaining, the blade looks very similar to a razor you would use on your body.
However, shaving simply removes the hair.
Dermablading removes the small hairs on your face as well as dead cells and scar tissue that may be making your skin look uneven, and clogging up your pores.
If performed in an office setting, this procedure involves a sterile blade held at an angle and slowly swept across the skin to remove the top layers.
You could use a regular razor to shave your face, but you would not get the same results as with a proper dermaplaining tool. Nor would you remove the amount of dead skin and peach fuzz a true dermaplaning tool could accomplish.
What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

Your skin can end up looking dull because of continuous exposure to UV rays, environmental toxins, and other various irritants. You can end up with more wrinkles than a Sharpei, and so look much older than you really are.
Dermaplaning benefits by removing fine lines, wrinkles, and deep acne scarring. It’s also great for dull skin, dry skin, and sun-damaged skin because it removes those upper layers more quickly.
Clearing away these damaged cells reveals the new skin cells underneath. The newer skin cells are the ones you see, which are smoother and less wrinkled.
It can also make the surface of the skin smoother by removing the peach fuzz from your face.
All skin types can benefit from dermaplaning.
Even men can and do undergo dermaplaning! However, only on the portions of the face without a beard.
Is Dermablading Painful?
Dermablading/dermaplaining is great in that it is PAIN FREE.
Unlike waxing, threading, and lasers. But I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that!
It’s not abrasive, like microdermabrasion. Light feather strokes easily remove dead skin and peach fuzz.
Sounds fairly simple, right?
Can You Dermaplane Yourself?

Yes, you can perform dermaplaning at home. There are a number of dermaplaning kits available on the market that make achieving the benefits of dermaplaning possible for almost anyone.
There are some stories out there where people talk about infection, complications, and pain.
Complications are always possible, no matter the procedure. Having a cosmetic procedure in an office is more likely to be sterile, as opposed to performing a dermablading in your bathroom.
But it is possible, and it is very safe to use a derma planing kit at home.
What Are the Side Effects of Dermaplaning?
There have not been a lot of side effects reported as a result of dermaplaning.
Some people have reported experiencing redness or feeling like their skin has been scraped. This lasts until about 2 or 3 days after the procedure.
However, dermablading is extremely safe and does not result in any major side effects.
And you don’t have to worry about your skin breaking out! Not only will dermaplaning not cause breakouts, it will actually prevent them from happening.
When dermaplaning exfoliates the layer of dead skin, your underlying skin is cleared of all that congestion and crud that might clog up your pores.
Who Should Not Dermaplane?

Despite dermablading having very few side effects, there are some people who should delay or even forgo having this done, even if you are dermaplaning at home.
If you are having an active acne flare, you should NOT have dermaplaning performed!
Dermaplaning is beneficial for diminishing acne scars. But STAY AWAY if you are experiencing an active outbreak!
Once the acne is healed, dermablading may be performed.
You should also probably skip dermaplaning if you have a bleeding disorder or difficulty clotting.
If your diabetes is off the charts uncontrolled by diet and/or exercise, you’re undergoing treatment for cancer, or have active cold sores, you should skip dermaplaning.
And if you have very sensitive skin like rosacea, dermaplaning will probably not be beneficial. In fact, it may not be a good idea for you at all — you may end up with even more irritated skin.
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What Should You Do After Dermaplaning?

Following dermaplaning, you should immediately start protecting and giving love to your new smoother, brighter skin that has been revealed to the world. And, sadly, to the UV rays and toxins.
I know, being fabulous is such hard work!
Immediately After Dermaplaning
Many professional dermaplaning offices recommend not using makeup for 24 hours immediately after dermaplaning and avoiding excessive heat or sweating.
It’s a great idea to slather on a rich hyaluronic acid mask or moisturizing cream to help repair the skin and keep it hydrated.
A Few Days After Dermablading
You may notice that your skin looks brighter immediately after you’re finished with a dermaplaning treatment, but it often takes a few days to appreciate the full results.
If you do experience redness as a side effect of dermaplaning, it should ease.
And as the redness subsides in the days afterward, you’ll be able to see the results more clearly.
After a dermaplaning treatment, you should be careful about sun exposure.
A Week Out from Dermablading and Beyond
Sun damage could undo all that benefits the dermaplaning just gave you. It could result in patches of hyperpigmentation on the new skin cells.
So during the weeks following dermaplaning, be extra mindful to wear sunblock and to reapply!
Remember to give your skin some love because following dermablading, the skin barrier will be more vulnerable, and you want to experience the benefits for as long as possible.
How Often Should You Dermaplane?

Dermaplaning is effective in producing skin that is smoother, brighter, and more youthful.
However, results last only about 3 weeks.
Of course, every skin is different, but you should expect to need dermaplaning again after about 3 weeks in order to continue to see the benefits.
Does the Hair Grow Back Thicker After Dermaplaning?
Removing the skin and hair cells does not change the structure of the hair follicle. This is another potential benefit of dermaplaning, in that you don’t have to worry about getting a 5 o’clock shadow!
So your hair will grow back exactly the same color and thickness that it was before dermaplaning.
When the hair grows back, it may seem a little darker but it’s not.
It looks that way because removing the dead skins and peach fuzz makes your skin look brighter than you’re used to, so the hair against your skin just looks darker. It’s a trick on your eyes!
Can Women with Deeper Skin Tones Dermaplane?

The advantage of dermaplaning for people with darker skin tones and darker hair is that there is no risk of hyperpigmentation.
This is unlike waxing and laser hair removal, where some have experienced this.
What are the Pros and Cons of Dermablading?
- Dermablading painlessly exfoliates the top layers of skin to stimulate cellular turnover with little to no downtime.
- This procedure can be paired with other treatments like facials, laser treatments, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels for even better skin results.
- Using treatments like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and retinol after dermaplaning will be more effective and you’ll get results faster!
- It can be performed pretty frequently.
- Makeup goes on smoother and more evenly after dermaplaning.
- Dermablading can help significantly lighten acne scarring.
- The hair does not grow back thicker and darker after dermaplaning.
- Even pregnant women can undergo dermaplaning
- It must be repeated every 3 weeks, unlike some other hair-removal methods.
- Dermaplaning can be expensive if done in an office setting.
- Results will differ on the person and depend on their individual hair-growth cycle.
- Not everyone should have dermaplaning performed.

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Wouldn’t You Love to Experience the Benefits of Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning, also known as dermablading, has a lot of wonderful benefits. By exfoliating the skin and peach fuzz, new smoother skin is revealed, which helps makeup smooth on more easily, as well as allow skin products to better absorb and be more effective.
Fortunately, there are few, if any, side effect that result from dermaplaning. Some may see mild redness, but it is very safe to perform dermaplaning at home.
There are the added benefits of being virtually pain free, with no risk of hair growing back thicker, or experiencing hyperpigmentation.
The downside of dermaplaning is that not everyone can or should undergo this procedure. For example, people with skin issues like rosacea, or an active acne flare, should avoid dermaplaning.
It is possible to perform dermaplaning at home and to enjoy the benefits of dermaplaning. There are a number of kits on the market that allow you to dermaplane yourself with the frequency you would like.
Have you heard of dermaplaning? Would you try it? What other questions or concerns do you have about dermaplaning?
Share below in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer them!
Follow Sequins In My Salad on Instagram and turn on post notifications, because I’ll be reviewing what is voted the #1 best electronic Dermaplaning kit this year!

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